The state institution «Republican Dental Clinic» provides paid medical dental services:
- consultation;
- effective prevention of dental disease (also with the help of fluoridе therapy ), professional dental hygiene; standard tooth brushing method teaching;
- effective anaesthesia;
- treatment under anesthesia;
- esthetic teeth restoration;
- hardware teeth whitening;
- advanced root canal fillihg methods;
- up-to-date dental restoration materials;
- all types of dental prosthetics;
- periodentistry (painless ultrasound removal of dental deposit, polishing, ulotomy, curettage, teeth splinting by means of «RIBBOND» system), treatment of apical dental ligament by means of «Vector» apparatus;
- computer teeth restoration with «Cerec» equipment;
- surgery (teeth removal of any complexity, all types of outpatient surgery, implantology);
- laser treatment of dental diseases;
- X-ray radiography (dental, panoramic, teleroentgeograms);
- aesthetic teeth restoration;
- orthdontology (braces);
- all types of dental prosthetics (porcelain fused metal, zirconium dioxide, metal-free ceramic, clasp and removable prosthetics);
- implantology;
- 3D CBCT computer tomography of alveolar and radial area.
Treatments may have contraindications and side effects.
View the embedded image gallery online at:
- 28 Sukhaya Str., Minsk, 220004
Теl.: +375 (17) 379-55-46, +375 (17) 379-74-17, +375 (44) 790-74-17
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.