OJSC «Vesta-Borisov»

VESTA-BORISOV OJSC is one of the most notable and significant commercial enterprises of Borisov. The Company was established in 1960 because of separation from the Gorpischepromtorg. Over the years, the Company has grown into a large enterprise with 1 221 employees.

Vesta-Borisov OJSC includes 45 trade objects:

  • 38 shops including department store «Vesta», Trade House, internet shops;
  • 1 concession stand;
  • ultimate market;
  • 5 public catering facilities, including a restaurant «Megapolis».

60 years for a trading company is impressive period for confirmation of a strong reputation and authority.

View the embedded image gallery online at:
  • 105А Gagarina Str., Borisov, Minsk region 222120
  • Теl.: +375 (177) 74-38-02

    Теl./fax: +375 (177) 76-01-02

  • e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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trading floors